Updated per NYDOH Revised Guidance dated November 24, 2021
Pursuant to its authority under New York Public Health Law and related regulations, and in connection with the New York State Department of Health memorandum concerning Revised Updated Testing and Quarantine Supplemental Information, dated November 24, 2021, the Monroe County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) has determined that schools in Monroe County may implement “Test to Stay” (TTS), subject to the approval of MCDPH and compliance with the requirements set forth below.
In Monroe County, Test to Stay is defined as follows: Students who are unvaccinated against COVID-19 and who are exposed to COVID-19 may attend in-person classes (instruction/academic periods), even while under mandatory quarantine orders, if: (1) the student is symptom free, (2) the school has received consent for the student to undergo daily testing, and (3) the student tests negative on each school day for seven (7) days after exposure. If the seventh day falls on a weekend or holiday, the student must be tested one final time on the first school day after the weekend or holiday.
In the East Irondequoit Central School District, the Test to Stay protocols are as follows:
- When a student is identified as subject to quarantine due to exposure to COVID 19, the parent or guardian will be contacted by the school nurse and provided information regarding the Test to Stay option. The parent/guardian must provide consent for TTS through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or via a signed hard copy version of the consent form located in the nurse’s office. The school nurse must be in receipt of the consent form permitting daily testing prior to the administration of any testing. Copies of the signed consent form will remain on file with the school nurse and can be revoked at any time by the parent or guardian.
- Students participating in TTS must report to the school nurse’s office upon entry into the school building for each day of the 7-day testing window. Once in the nurse’s office the nurse will administer the shallow nasal swab, rapid antigen test. The test will be provided free of charge to any student.
- The student will not be permitted to begin their school day until the daily test is performed and the results received.
- If the rapid antigen test determines a positive result for COVID 19, the student will be isolated within the nurse’s office while the parent or guardian is contacted for immediate pickup of the student. In this case, the student will remain in quarantine and only the Monroe County Department of Health can determine a return to school date. Contact tracing will occur as typical for District notification of a positive COVID-19 result. The District, specifically, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources will report all COVID-19 test results, including TTS, to the New York State COVID-19 report card as long as this is required, and the District will abide by all other reporting requirements under the New York State Public Health Law.
- Any student who develops symptoms during the TTS period must, if in school, individually, and if outside of school, through their parent or legal guardian, report this development immediately to the building principal.
Per the Monroe County Department of Health, an exposed student who is allowed to remain in school through TTS, must remain quarantined outside of school instruction/academic periods at all times. Monroe County has directed that when an unvaccinated student has been exposed to COVID-19, the County will issue a mandatory quarantine order, requiring the student to quarantine for 10 days following the exposure.
Monroe Country Test to Stay Information
Types of COVID-19 Tests in Monroe County Schools
Covid Testing in School Consent Form