January 10, 2022
Please see the latest Updated Quarantine and Isolation FAQ from the Monroe County Department of Health.

January 3, 2022
On December 23 rd , the New York State Department of Health released revisions to the Test to Stay program currently operational in EICSD. The TTS program allows asymptomatic, un...

December 13, 2021
The NYDOH just released updated guidance related to emergency regulations 10 NYCRR 2.60 and 10 NYCRR 2.62, and commissioner’s determination pursuant to those emergency regulations...

December 9, 2021
On December 3 rd , The New York State Department of Health provided an update regarding the type of tests that can be used to permit return to school after COVID symptoms. No lo...

December 3, 2021
Beginning on Monday, November 22nd East Irondequoit schools will begin offering the Rapid PCR test option. We have three rapid testing machines at both of our primary schools an...

December 3, 2021
Updated per NYDOH Revised Guidance dated November 24, 2021
Pursuant to its authority under New York Public Health Law and related regulations, and in connection with the New Yo...

December 3, 2021
Dear Lancer Families,
The New York State Department of Health has clarified that extracurricular activities and all school-sanctioned events that take place after school o...

October 19, 2021
Dear Lancer Families,
Today begins the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) School Board Recognition Week. Our school board i...